Georgia cemetery sees volunteers and used tractors in care effort

An organization in Georgia is caring for landscaping in a cemetery.
An organization in Georgia is caring for landscaping in a cemetery.
Used tractors and other lawn implements have made their presence felt at a Georgia cemetery.

According to the Macon Telegraph, Alice Jackson has spearheaded an effort to care for the Linwood Cemetery, a 14-acre site that includes the grave of her son, Keith Vincent Latimore, who passed away in 1999. Teenagers and other volunteer groups have helped her with her project, coming out to the burial grounds on weekends to do yard work and clean up.

Jackson is the president of the Macon Cemetery Preservation Corp. Other burial locations throughout the county are also in need of attention, and she keeps a list of them. Eventually, the group hopes to work on those sites as well.

"Our mission is to preserve, protect and restore," Jackson told the paper.

Many municipalities and other groups in charge of taking care of cemeteries and public plots of land have seen hard times of late, as the recession reduces tax revenues. Some cities and towns have had to cut back on their mowing operations, while others have relied on volunteers to get jobs done.